Friday, May 06, 2005

May Journal

May 6, 2005

Dear Friends:

Once again time is flying like you would not believe. I have so much good news to share with you I am not sure where to begin. God has been blessing us so much that we could never share each blessing with you in one letter. He is truly a GREAT GOD and I am so thankful for His Grace and Mercy. We have been having some of the most wonderful services and we know that is all because God has been showing up and people have been allowing him to move in their lives.

I will start off by sharing mine and Terry's best news yet, we are going to be parents!!!! Yes, I admit I said, "Wow" too! I had to undergo some treatments and the doctor told me that it would take about 6 months for the treatment to work. Well, I begin the treatments on April 6th, and on May 5th we found out that we were expecting our first little miracle! God is so GOOD! It is very early now, but we do know that we are due on January 13th of 2006 and we could not be more excited. Terry and I have already started looking at all of the baby stuff and trying to figure out where we will put the baby on the RV when we travel.

Yes, that brings me to my next point. God blessed us with a 1994 Winnebago Brave to travel in. A few months ago Terry was singing at a little church in Attalla, Al. He told the folks there to begin praying for our traveling means as were spending a lot of money on motels. Well, they must have truly done some praying. The following week God sent us our RV and boy are we thankful. It could have not come at any better time being that now we will have an additional passenger with us.

Terry's new project, entitled "Prisoner of Christ" will be out in a few weeks and trust me it is GREAT. The songs on this project are so powerful and we pray that they will minister to each of you. Keep watching the web site for the exact release date to be announced soon.
We hope to see you all soon!

We love you all and please keep us in your prayers as we begin this journey to "parenthood."

Jessica Helms