Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Homecoming Plans!

Hey Everyone!
We just wanted to let you all know that plans for the second annual Terry Helms Homecoming are underway. We are so excited about what is going on and think this will be a night of great WORSHIP. Keep watching the web site for more details.
Of course little Chase is growing like a little weed. We hope that we can come out and see you all soon! Watch the schedule as we are adding dates almost daily. If you would like to book Terry for your church event please call the office at 256-396-1222.

We love you all!


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Good Morning!

While Chase is taking a nap I thought I would come in and update you guys on what is going on with THM. Many exciting plans are in the works for the second annual Terry Helms Homecoming. I think that all of you will be thrilled to see who will be joining us for the evening but for now we will keep it quite--that is until everything is definite. However, keep checking back for the dates and information. We are very excited about the new songs that the Lord is giving Terry for a new project. We will probably not be able to get back in the studio for a few months but when we do rest assured this is going to be another good one.
As for Chase, he is growing like a little weed. Terry and I just glow with joy when he laughs out loud at us and makes the little gooo noises. Yeah, we know he has a lot to laugh at. HA HA. I do have to share this funny story with you. Sunday on the way home from church our nephews wanted to ride with us. Terry mentioned to Beau that when Chase was older he was going to sing with him. Beau's reply was, "If your not dead." Our mouths dropped. We said what do you mean by that and Beau said, "Uncle Terry you are old now and when Chase gets older you will be even more older and old people die." Terry realized that in the eyes of a six year old he is an old man and boy did this really stir up his afternoon. We have to love the honesty of children.
We love you all and hope to see you soon.

Terry, Jessica and Chase

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thanks for your Prayers!

What a Great God we serve! Chase came through his operation without any complications and feels much better. We didn't expect anything less. Matthew 21:21 says, "Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not . . ." And that is what we did, we had FAITH. Now, I am not going to tell you that it was not the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. When we handed Chase over to the nurse last Wednesday morning I have never felt more helpless. As Terry and I walked back to Chase's room to wait for the operation to be over I will never forget what he did. Terry leaned over and gave me a hug and simply said, "Have Faith and DOUBT NOT." I am so glad that God put us together, He knew exactly what He was doing. Folks, a lot of times we fail to let others know just how much they mean to us. I want you all to know that you mean the world to me and Terry and we could truly feel the prayers that went up on our behalf. We Thank God for each of you and know that your love, support and prayers are what help carry us through.

We love you all and hope to see you soon!

God Bless!

Terry, Jessica and Chase